
Core Business >>>

95% our our business has been and is directed towards Florida Department of Transportation, County, Municipal, and Commercial applications.

Through this website we hope to provide you with information that will help each potential customer address their needs.We certainly strive to provide each customer with information and guidance toward a solution to their cosmetic and erosion control needs. The installation of sod is truly the first line of defense to erosion problems.

Many of the inquiries we receive are from individuals that want to grow grass, however they do not know the difference between Common Bermuda and Tifway 419 Bermuda, or the difference between St Augustine and all its varieties and Centipede of Zoysia.

At Smith & Son's we grow and cultivate Common Bermuda and Argentine Bahia. These are the two types of grass that are stipulated by FDOT , Florida Department of Transportation, for installation along roadways. Just how many times have you traveled a State Road or Interstate and the grass not be green, unless the dead of winter.